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Creating a Community around Governance

It has been quite a while since I wrote "Get Governed" and "A Culture of Governance." In that time I have had reach-outs from around the world asking for advice and support as they developed their own programs.

I no longer consult. But Governance is not only an important part of my job, it's an important part of my life. I am every bit as passionate about the value and criticality of governed data as I was in 2017 when I got the idea to write my first book.

Data Governance is changing and maturing. We no longer only look at the data in systems, we're also looking at analytics and model governance. How do we govern Artificial Intelligence, Chat Bots, and the many digital interoperability methods of data sharing within and outside of an organization? What are the implications of GDPR, CCPA, and CMS/ONC Interoperability rules? How do you govern in the Cloud? Are Data Literacy and Data Ethics a part of the Governance organizations accountabilities?

These and many more exciting topics need to be explored and standards need to be set.

Let's talk about it - share information and ideas - shape our future data landscape!

You can check out my LinkedIn profile to see what I've been up to, but this post is an invitation.

You are invited to join me every Tuesday evening at 8:00 pm Eastern/ 5:00 pm Pacific on Clubhouse for an All Things Data - with Morgan Templar.

There we will have open conversations and talks about information, data and analytics governance along with any other Data topic our room comes up with. But most importantly, we'll create a community where we can gather and learn, share and grow together.

What is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is an online social media forum that is much like live podcasts. Self-described as "Drop-in Audio Chat," Clubhouse is a forum for people to connect. There are Clubs formed around certain topics. Within those Clubs are Rooms for specific topics or general participation. A person or group of people is the moderator and you can request to speak and either ask a question or add value to the conversation. The moderator may bring you "on stage" for all or part of the conversation.

It is audio only and for now, at least, it is only available for iPhone/Apple. You also must be invited to join. (I am happy to invite you if you need an invite. Either email me via or message me on LinkedIn. Put "Requesting Clubhouse Invite" in the Subject line, please.)

Once you are on Clubhouse, you will find clubs that deal with every possible topic and area of interest. (There is rumor that it will be available on Android soon, so keep a lookout if that's your mobile format.)

My weekly All Things Data - with Morgan Templar is hosted by the Data Talks Club. Search for them, join the club and you can choose to receive notification of every open room. Follow me and you can also get notified when I join a room or start a room.

For those of you who already follow me on LinkedIn, you may have noticed that I am on the Business of Data Advisory Board. The Business of Data holds a Clubhouse Room hosted by Data Talks called the Business of Data Power Hour every Friday at 9:00 am Eastern time/2:00 pm GMT. There you can hear from global Chief Data Officers from some impressive companies such as Conde Nast, State Street Bank, FinnAir, Levi Straus and of course me from Highmark Health and many others from around the world.

I hope to talk to you soon on Clubhouse! Check back here, as well. I'll pick a topic from out weekly sessions and begin a new series of blogs to share the most relevant ideas.



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